Inclusive Employer Award for ProCook

ProCook has received recognition of its inclusivity practices with a Gloucestershire Inclusive Employer Award. The Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Project is committed to helping people in Gloucestershire overcome challenges to employment and move them closer towards or into work, including self-employment. 

ESG Director Sarah Wheatley received the award on behalf of ProCook:

"We’re delighted to have been recognised for embracing an inclusive culture at ProCook. Inclusive practices are beneficial to individuals, teams, businesses and communities, so for us holding inclusivity at the heart of everything we do just makes sense. We look forward to working with the GEM Project in the future and will continue to champion inclusion as our business grows. ‘’

CEO Daniel O'Neill said:

"I'm proud of our ESG team and their work towards achieving a Gloucestershire Inclusive Employer Award for ProCook. Having an inclusive approach means we attract and retain the best talent and have a happy and healthy workforce."